birthday fun!!
awhile ago i found this amazing idea through greylikesweddings. custom labels on beer bottles! i saved this thinking i could use this one day. {you can see staci's labels over on her blog here.}
as i was researching ideas for aric's birthday (which was yesterday), i thought, what better way than to make him some custom labels for bottles of beer! a creative + inexpensive birthday present. {sidenote - i didn't just get him beer, he did have other gifts as well}
first, i ordered these labels from paper source. have you all been to paper source? great resource for paper + gifts as well! remember the moleskine? i got that gorgeous paper from them.
next, i started designing the labels. i had 2 designs i liked, so i decided to use both and make them cohesive. but it was missing something. all that i had on there was "happy birthday, august 1, 2010" and "happiest of days." brainstorm.brainstorm.brainstorm. yes! i will put funny quotes from the movie "the hangover" on them because we quote it all the time! voila - an idea born. after finding my favorite 18 quotes, i added them to the labels, put "hangover brewing company" on it and printed them out! here they are in all their glory...

if you have more questions about this diy project, or want custom labels for your next event, please contact